
Asclepius' Curse













  • 青春期前,Vitalium随骨骼生长而增殖,但在骺板闭合后停止生成。
  • 成年后,Vitalium仅存于骨骼、血液和脑组织,不再自我增殖。
  • 老年时,Vitalium随骨质流失而减少,最终导致机体衰竭。
  • 孕育胎儿时,母体必须消耗自身储存的Vitalium,否则胚胎无法发育。
  • 如果老年人持续补充Vitalium,则可延缓甚至完全停止衰老。








  全球陷入恐慌,政府紧急冻结医疗资源,生物资产管理体系(Vitalium Bio-Asset Management System, VBMS)迅速建立。由于 Vitalium 在个体体内富集而非自动消耗,国家开始实行强制生命登记制度,确保所有个体的 Vitalium 存量被精准测算和监管。然而,随着社会对 Vitalium 需求的爆炸式增长,市场法则接管了世界,新的经济体系诞生了——各国政府一致同意废除现行信用货币制度与完全浮动汇率体系,确立 Vitalium 本位制(Vitalium Standard)。

  在纽约人类联合政府广场,巨大的全息投影屏幕实时更新着全球各国法币与 Vitalium 的市场汇兑价格。个体的预计经济贡献值(PEV) 直接决定生命信用评级(LCS),影响 Vitalium 贷款额度与生存权。富人通过资产管理确保自身 LCS 评级稳固,囤积 Vitalium 以换取更长寿命,而贫困人口则被迫抵押自己的“生命存量”以换取短暂的生存权。

  一旦 LCS 降至破产线,个体将被降级为“不可持续单位”,失去医疗支持,甚至被系统执行“生命回收程序”。 这一体系标志着人类正式进入生命债务时代。

  在这个新世界, Vitalium才是唯一的生存资本。




  在 Vitalium 经济的统治下,人类不再属于自己,而是市场的一部分——一个等待估值的生命单位。

On the night of the Ophiuchid meteor storm, the sky was torn apart by thousands silver-blue scars.

The most spectacular celestial event in human history unfolded as promised. Thousands of meteors streaked across the heavens each minute, their glowing tails weaving a tapestry of brilliance—a cosmic waterfall pouring down to Earth. Global media hailed it as Asclepius' Gift, named after the ancient Greek god of healing, whose constellation, Ophiuchus, now bathed the world in its radiance. Astronomers and theologians alike proclaimed that this once-in-a-millennium phenomenon heralded the dawn of a new golden age for humanity.

"Asclepius has arrived."

People whispered and gazed up. Their eyes alight filled with awe and hope, lost in the spectacle.

None of them realized that what they were witnessing was not the birth of a miracle.

It was the beginning of the end.

Strange symptoms appeared only days later.

At first, they seemed insignificant—isolated cases of unexplained symptoms. Some people’s blood shimmered under bright light. Some had unnaturally dense bones. A few even reported that in total darkness, their skin gave off a faint silver-blue glow.

The media reports it as genetic curiosities—until the first confirmed death.

At a press conference, the National Cancer Center of Japan issued a chilling statement:

"The patient’s body is missing a critical, unidentified substance. Without it, organ function deteriorates irreversibly. The process is rapid. It cannot be stopped."

At first, the world hesitated. Then, like a rock thrown into still waters, the fear spread.

Cases surged at an exponential rate. Within weeks, hospitals overflowed. Governments declared the highest levels of emergency. Scientists worked without rest, testing every available tissue sample, every drop of blood—until at last, they found the answer.

A new element.

Something that had never existed before.


Vitalium was a blessing.

Vitalium was a curse.

A silver-blue element, hyper-reactive in its ionic state, capable of integrating directly into DNA strands and altering cellular metabolism, controlling the body’s ability to survive. The key to life itself.

The discoveries that followed changed everything.

• Before puberty, Vitalium proliferated naturally, growing with the bones—but ceased once the growth plates fused.

• In adulthood, it remained locked within the bones, bloodstream, and neural tissue. It could no longer regenerate.

• In old age, it diminished alongside bone loss, accelerating physical aging and, eventually, death.

• In pregnancy, the mother’s body had to supply additional Vitalium—or the fetus would not survive.

• For the elderly, continuous Vitalium supplementation could slow, even halt, the aging process entirely.

Human survival was now bound to an element that did not—and never had—belonged to Earth.

There was only one known source of Vitalium.


Extinction had arrived—not with fire, nor with war, but in silence.

This wasn’t an outbreak.

This was extinction in slow motion.

At first, governments scrambled for alternatives—labs engineered microbes, extracted compounds from plants, even modified synthetic proteins.

Every attempt failed.

Vitalium could not be created in a lab.

Vitalium could not exist outside the human body.

What is the worst part?

The meteors hadn’t actually brought Vitalium to Earth. Instead, they carried radiation that triggered a reaction in Earth’s natural elements, mutating them into this new, essential substance. But the meteors’ radiation had faded. The transformation was over. No more Vitalium would ever be created.

Asclepius' Gift had become Asclepius' Curse.

So, humanity turned to the only solution left.


Governments froze all medical resources. The Vitalium Bio-Asset Management System (VBMS) was established, enforcing strict life registration protocols. Every citizen’s Vitalium reserves were recorded, monitored, and controlled. But demand surged beyond control, and state authority collapsed under the weight of scarcity.

A new economy was born.

In United Human Federation Plaza, New York, holographic billboards pulsed with real-time exchange rates—every currency now pegged to Vitalium.

Your Projected Economic Value (PEV) dictated your Life Credit Score (LCS). A high score meant Vitalium loans, medical access, and a future. A low score meant none.

The rich secured infinite time.

The poor sold what little they had left—their own remaining years.

Drop too low, and the system marked you: Non-Sustainable Unit (NSU).

No healthcare. No appeals. Just liquidation.

This was the Era of Life Debt.

"Daddy, why do we save money?" The little girl looked up, her eyes full of innocent curiosity.

Her father brushed a gentle hand through her hair with unreadable expression. His voice was almost a whisper.

"We’re not saving money, sweetheart."

"We’re saving life."

In the distance, exchange indices flickered, numbers shifting in cold, relentless precision.

Towering above the city, the monolithic United Human Federation Building stood like a silent overseer, its dark facade absorbing the last vestiges of twilight.

Under the rule of Vitalium, humanity no longer belonged to itself.

It had become the market.

A commodity.

A life awaiting valuation.